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Jeremiah Weed Takes A Bite At TV Advertising

Jeremiah Weed Takes A Bite At TV Advertising
A while ago I did some market research for Jeremiah Weed, the "alcoholic brew" that styles itself as an old-time institution à la Jack Daniels but is actually a new product aiming to create a niche in a crowded market (somewhere near the one occupied by Crabbie's). They talked us through this, their first television advert, during the focus group and it sounded like it had potential. The end result? Not bad. However, it's only screening in Scotland for now, as Diageo claim that their research indicated Scots have a "real passion for the brand with its distinctive jam jar glass and unconventional approach to life". Their focus group must've been a bit more enthusiastic than ours. Or maybe they were just pished. Anyway, here's the ad; starring a laid back man and his laid back alligator...
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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