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In 2011 Germany bucked the trend and posted a 0.1% increase in record industry revenue which, while not sounding like much, is a hell of a lot more than the losses that were being suffered pretty much everywhere else.

Now, after everyone’s been buoyed by the news that worldwide industry revenues are up for the first time since 1999, Germany has cast a financial shadow by posting a 3.2% decline. Bloody hell guys. Hopefully it isn’t a portent of darker times to come.

If it isn’t, that’ll probably be because of a digital sector in rude health. Revenues from legal downloads and streaming are up massively; and it’s the same case in the USA, which has also posted a general loss while digital sales soar (digital now accounts for a whopping 59% of American music income). One insinuation is that as digital sales rise, general revenue falls. A worrying dilemma? Or just the industry adjusting to a new financial and technological landscape? Time will tell…

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HMV Chaos Nearing Conclusion

HMV Chaos Nearing Conclusion
It's been a long, ugly ride watching the gradual disintegration of music retailer HMV, but finally the end might just be in sight. Earlier this week Deloitte apparently set a deadline of March 25th for the sale of HMV, with the chain's quarterly rent bill fast approaching, as we looked to be entering endgame. However, with much of the company having shifted to monthly rents, and Hilco rumoured to be the only serious bidder left, that deadline may well come and go without a sale. For god's sake Hilco, just buy the bloody thing and put us all out of our misery! Things may be moving more quickly for the HMV-owned chain Fopp. Four bidders are apparently battling it out for the nine nationwide stores...
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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