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Having selected the hard-partying rocker as an American Cultural Ambassador to Bahrain, the State Department has rescinded the decision and called it “a mistake and not appropriate”. Which is pretty much how I feel about his music career. Commenting on the decision, WK declared himself “blown away”. “After a year of planning, the US State Dept. just canceled my Middle East trip because I’m too party”, he claimed. Cheer up Andrew, you can still go to Bahrain if you want….

Previous in Erm..

Classic Albums Given Socks Appeal

Classic Albums Given Socks Appeal
Ugh, apologies for the pun. Fortunately this is slightly funnier. Photographer Thom Moore has been raiding his sock drawer in order to create footwear-based tributes to classic album covers, including stinky takes on Nirvana, The Knife and an excellent take on Death Grips' willy-brandishing 'NO LOVE DEEP WEBB' album. Head here for a gander at Moore's tumblr...
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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