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I just accidentally misread the headline and envisaged a leather-clad, dominatrix Sinead ordering a tightly bound Noel Gallagher to make out with brother Liam for her own amusement. It’ll take a while to get that image out of my head.

Erm. Anyway, Sinead O’Connor responded to a question from Liam in Uncut Magazine by demanding they “get on with each other. Do it for mammy’s sake, yer feckers!” before revealing that Noel once proposed to her while “off his face” in Amsterdam…

Previous in Erm..

Andrew Bird is...Professor Socks

Andrew Bird is...Professor Socks
As a musician, Andrew Bird makes music that's pretty grown up. Not boring exactly (well, maybe a little bit boring on occasion) but you're more likely to respond to his music by praising his musicianship and songwriting credentials rather than jumping up and down screaming "more! more!" while shitting your nappy. That's why it's something of a surprise to discover he's writing a kids' television program entitled "Professor Socks' TV Show". Details are thin on the ground, but apparently the Professor, played by Bird himself, is transported to "other vocational worlds" whenever he puts on his socks. Wonder how often that vocational world will be that of a singing violinist...
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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